As members of the area’s leading Real Estate Agent Network, all members are committed to conducting business in a legal, and ethical manner. This ensures both buyers and sellers can be assured that their agent can be trusted to complete the sale properly. But it doesn’t stop there. All our members pride themselves in offering a higher level of service than the average agent. One way of doing this is to ensure they continually look at ways in which to offer new and improved services.
When it comes to selling your property, they key aspect is to get it noticed through effective marketing. This leads to viewing and viewing lead to sales. It’s vitally important that your property looks at its very best in marketing materials (websites, facebook, brochures, adverts, etc). This means great photos.
There are always 2 key elements to a great photo: the subject matter, and the skill of the photographer. Recently, the management team of MLS:03724 arranged for a lecture to address home staging and photography.
Home staging is where a professionally trained person comes into your home, and arranges and re-arranges things like furniture, ornaments, etc., in order to make the property look attractive to potential buyers. This may include placing colourful flowers strategically, moving a chair out of the lounge to let the light in, and ensuring suitable pictures are on the walls. A home stager can also bring dummy furniture ti make an empty room look homely. The effect can be stunning, and make the home look far more attractive than it might have looked. In many ways, they are ‘neutralising’ your home. Home stagers make in independent and objective appraisal of what will look best for potential buyers. One of the hardest things is convincing a seller, that even though their beloved picture is beautiful to them, it may be off-putting to buyers. The objective is to help buyers see the potential for their belongings which will turn your property into their home. But that’s only half the story.
Your agent needs to take great photos of the property. Most of them are not professional photographers but need to know the relevant ‘tricks of the trade’ to take good photos. At the lecture, we learned about light, how to overcome dark corners and shadows, which angles to use, and which focal length to choose amongst other things. Photos need to be flattering but no dishonest, its too easy to use an utra wide angle photo to make a small box-room look enormous, only for a potential buyer to be disappointed when see it in real life. Its about getting the balance.
What we learned at the lecture, was how home staging combines with photography to show an attractive, trustworthy property for sale which will attract viewers.
Our members are passionate about selling your property and this is just one of the many ways our association ensures that the quality of professionalism and service are continually improved so that the one key objective can be reached – to sell your property as quickly as possible for the best price.
We’d like to thank Monica Penoukos of PS Staging ( Peke Fotografos ( an informative and enjoyable evening.