Prepare Your Property for a Viewing

All estate agents have their own way of progressing a sale but one step that is common to all is the ‘viewing’. This is where the agent brings a prospective buyer to your home to look around with a view to buying it. This is it, the key moment of truth of whether they can see themselves living in your property enough to make an offer.

Here, we share 5 things to consider before a ‘viewing’. The most important thing is to adopt an “it’s not about me” mindset.  You’re not showing off your home, you’re presenting a property for a prospective new home owner. We can’t stress this enough and it’s backed up by endless viewings from all our MLS:03724 members.  

So here are 5 things to consider before viewings start.

1 – Do a really, really deep clean.

This may sound obvious but you’d be surprised at how many properties disappoint at the first turn. We’re not talking about putting the hoover around, and washing the windows. Get into all those hidden places including kitchen drawers, behind the sofa and under the bed. If necessary, steam clean curtains and upholstery. It is said that you don’t get a second chance for a first impression, and it couldn’t be more true when it comes to selling your house.

2 – Kerb Appeal

Talking of first impressions, potential buyers start making their mind up before even coming into the property. Is the wall cracked with flaking paint. If so, buyers are simply seeing work to be done, and then start wondering whether the property has been well-maintained. Are the garden and street facing terraces well kept, or are they looking a little tired. You’d be surprised how many potential buyers simply turn away.

3 – De-Clutter and De-Personalise

These go together because over time we collect photos, pictures, souvenirs and other nick-knacks which reflect who we are.  What’s more from an outsiders viewpoint, its just clutter. Potential buyers need to visualise themselves living in your property and imagine how they can make it into their home. If they can’t see past the clutter they won’t be able to see themselves living in your property and won’t make an offer!

4 – Fix anything broken

A lampshade that isn’t straight or have a small hole in it might be fine for you as a beloved item you’ve become attached to, is a signal to an outsider that the property may not have been well cared for. If a buyer manages to see past this, you can be sure their counting the cost of any repairs and make deductions from the asking price. However, they deduct way more than the cost of putting things right. So it really is worth getting professional in to fix cracks in walls, broken tiles and the like.

5 – Have an Honest Conversation with, and Listen to Your Agent

All MLS:03724 members are experienced and have been selling properties for many, many years. They’ll tell you “we’ve seen it all” and they’d be right. Their experience is your advantage. They can point out the obvious and not so obvious. Some advice may seem personal and insensitive, but if you remember their job is to find you a buyer, then why wouldn’t you listen and act upon any advice they give you.

To Summarise

There are many other things you can do including staging, make-overs,  and even investing in extensions or installing a pool! Just remember, Viewers are not looking to buy a property, their looking for their new home. It’s all about them!

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